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"We Solve Problems and Win Cases."
2491 Purdue Avenue, Ste. 221
Los Angeles, California 90024
D: (310) 478-6251
Medical Corporations
Should you incorporate your medical practice?
Legal compliance checklist for a medical corporation
Corporate structure - Levels of legal control over a group medical practice
Partner & Shareholder Relations, Buy-Sell
How to structure a new group medical practice
Shareholder buy sell agreements for medical corporations
How to bring a new partner into a group medical practice
Buy-in and buy-out of physicians to a medical group
Removing a doctor/shareholder from a medical practice
Operating agreements for surgery centers
Management agreements for surgery centers
Employment & Contractor Agreements
Classifying a physician as employee or contractor
Physician employment and contractor agreements
Termination clauses in physician employment and contractor agreements
Who owns the patient's medical records?
Physician recruitment agreements
Stark and Anti-Kickback laws regarding physician employment and contractor agreements
Group Compensation Structures
Outline of a compensation/expense structure for a group medical practice
Compensation structures for a group medical practice
Stark and Anti-Kickback laws regarding the compensation structure of a group medical practice
Buy-in and buy-out of physicians to a medical group
May a physician compete against his or her former practice?
Stealing employees-may a physician solicit away your employees?
Who owns the patient's medical records?
Buy or Sell a Medical Practice
How to buy or sell a medical practice
Avoid successor or liability when buying a medical practice, including provider numbers and taxes
Merging medical practices
Regulatory, Stark & Kickback
Regulatory compliance for medical practices
Stark and Anti-Kickback laws regarding physician employment and contractor agreements
Stark and Anti-Kickback laws regarding the compensation structure of a group medical practice
Physician recruitment agreements
How a non-licensed person works with a medical practice; administrative/management service companies
More Subjects
Leases for medical offices
Office sharing agreements
Leaving a medical practice/closing a medical practice
Overview of license defense
Multi-discipline, integrated health care practices
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